Thank you for visiting the Turkish Angola Breeds Nursery! Our young Turkish angora kittens, who are not yet available for reservations, are shared here. As they become available, these Turkish Angora kittens will be added to the Available Kittens page. Our nursery serves as a distinct, tranquil, orderly, and warm space for our queens to nurture their very young children. We feed them premium mother and baby cat food that is nutritionally sound, as well as our premium NuVet supplement. This gives the mother a speedy and painless postpartum recovery as well as a healthy milk supply for her young children. Our top focus is ensuring that the mother and her kittens are fully secure and healthy during this crucial time.
Our house has been modified to provide our Turkish angora kittens with the greatest environment possible for their early development. At the beginning, each litter is reared in the nursery by its mother. This is a private, serene, pleasant space. There they remain till they are 6 to 8 weeks old. The mom and kittens are then free to explore the rest of the house. Early on, the kittens are exposed to the family's golden retriever and kids. Our Turkish angora kittens are carefully socialized to grooming, bathing, the vacuum, thunder, garbage bag pops, noisy game nights, the vet, and many other critical events by the time they go for their new homes at 16 weeks old. This guarantees that they
We take great effort to choose the top King and Queen pairings of Turkish angora when it comes time to select breeding couples. In order to breed the best Turkish Angora kittens, we take into account the characteristics and genetic make-up of each of the parents. We research the pedigrees of all of our breeding turkish angora cats to ensure that there is never any inbreeding in our turkish angora lines. The greatest Championship-worthy Turkish angora kittens are what we strive to produce. We exclusively utilize Turkish angora Queens with flawless personalities that are suitable for rearing and socializing ideal Turkish angora cats in our Maine Coon breeding program.

We carefully screen and select the right home for each Turkish Angora kitten, and if not, we will redirect you to a different pet breeder.